Curious Facts about Curious Cats

 Curious facts … about your Curious Cat  that maybe you did not know!

– Cats pay more attention to women than men, because they react better to a high-pitched voice.

– A human has 206 bones, a cat has 230 and 10% of them are in their tail.

– The cat has between 60-80 million olfactory cells, the human on the other hand has between 5-20 million, so the cat can smell up to fifteen times better than a person.

– Cats see up to six times better in the penumbra than humans.

– The average temperature of a cat is 38-39 degrees Celsius, while in humans the average temperature will be between 36-37 Celsius.

– The ear of a cat is more sensitive to noise than a human’s and even that of a dog, the cat can identify the steps of its owner up to hundreds of meters away.

– Just as humans have fingerprints and these are unique, the design of the cat’s nose cushion is unique, no two cats with the same design.

– Cats have 5 fingers on the front legs and 4 on the hind legs.

– Cats can not identify sweet flavors.

– Isaac Newton invented the lid door for cats.

– The purring of the cats has a frequency of 26 vibrations per second.

– Cats use their whiskers to know if they can pass through a narrow space.

– Without taurine, a cat can go blind. Most animals produce it, but cats do not, so they must consume it in their diet.

– A cat can run at 48 kilometers per hour, while Usain Bolt, the world record for 100 meters, does it only at 38 km / h.

– Abraham Lincoln was a great lover of cats and during his tenure there were 4 cats in the White House.

– The first domestic cat lived 10,000 years ago on the island of Cyprus.

– The women of ancient Egypt longed for the beauty of the cat.

– The cat has 32 muscles in each ear that allow him to orient it.

– Most cats do not like to touch the water but they do know how to swim.

– The cats of three colors are always females.

– In Asia and the United Kingdom it is believed that black cats give good luck.

– The cat can emit a hundred different tones while the dog only ten.

– If a cat licks your hands, face or hair, take it as a great compliment: it is grooming you as one of “yours”.

– If a cat lies on his back when he sees you, it means he has confidence in you, because in this position he could not defend himself against an attack.

– People who have cats live longer, have less stress, and have less heart attacks.

– The cats consider that they are the owners of the house where they cohabit with the human.

– When a cat rubs against you, it is because it is marking you as part of its territory.

– Cats do not understand punishments, but rewards do when they do something right.

– After eating the cats are washed immediately. It is a survival instinct that leads them to act like this so that predators do not smell the food and thus may be attacked.

– The cat walks and runs moving the front and rear legs on the same side. Only the camel, the giraffe and the cat have this particularity.

– Black cats are generally calmer than whites, who are always very nervous.

– The tongue of the cats is formed by very small hooks, which help you to tear the food. That’s why it feels scratchy to the touch with the skin.

– Chocolate is toxic to cats.

– The whiskers of the cat fall periodically and grow back. Its disappearance affects the movement and the sense of orientation of the animal. Therefore, it is important not to cut them.

– Can a cat live his entire life inside a house? The answer is yes. A study has shown that the average life of cats living inside a house is much higher than that of cats living on the street. Although cats can live their entire lives inside a house, you have to get the fresh air to breathe. A good window or a large balcony will delight your cat, who can go out to breathe fresh air. But remember that to have a cat at home, you must have space.

– The cats can have 3 to 7 kittens every four months and during their life, a cat can have 100 kittens.

– The heart of the cat beats twice as fast as the heart of human beings.

– Cats have stress, the way they get rid of it is to scratch objects in an upright position, so they relax because that stretch activates their blood circulation and tones their body thanks to the stretching that occurs.

– The cat is instinctively a hunter, but if your mother does not teach you while the breeding lasts, it will never be a really effective one.

– Superstition tells that listening to the sneeze of a cat is good luck.

– Cats can smell odors with their mouths. In addition to doing it with the nose, the cats smell with an organ, called of Jacobson, located in the superior part of the mouth.

– It is possible to teach a cat to give the leg as if it were a dog, but you will require a lot of patience to achieve it.

– The females usually have better vision than the males.


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